Halloween Horror Nights’ Lady Luck is a Gamble Erik May 13, 2020 Gaming Scare-seekers and Halloween enthusiasts alike may feel let down by this year's Halloween Horror Nights 21 at Universal Studios Orlando. Known for unique themes, fearsome "scareactors", and elaborate scenery, se...
Things To Keep In Mind Before Visiting A Casino Erik May 8, 2020 Casino, Gaming, Guide Casinos are really popular these days. You have physical casinos as well as online casinos such as Judi slot that you can try. However, if you planning on visiting a casino there are certain things that you sho...
RuneScape ‘” Make Millions Firemaking Erik April 21, 2020 Gaming I've been holding off on getting my firemaking skill up because, let's be honest, you are basically burning money. Maybe melting gold in RuneScape terms, but you get the idea. You either buy or cut the logs and...
Why You Should Buy Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box for Nintendo DS Erik April 18, 2020 Guide Although it remains a relatively unknown series in North America, the Professor Layton games are extremely popular in Japan. Each of the three games in the trilogy managed to become a best-seller in the Japanes...
Don’t Call Nintendo’s Wii a Comeback Erik April 17, 2020 Gaming It wasn't always this way. Heck, those not born yesterday know that less than a year ago Nintendo was in a radically different position - still far and away a continued handheld powerhouse thanks to the DS, but...