Understanding Advanced All-In Semi-Bluff Mathematics in No-Limit Texas Hold’em Poker Erik January 30, 2020 Poker It seems like every no-limit hold'em cash game or tournament on television has a few spots shown where one player makes a large all-in semi-bluff. There is a lot of flash to going all-in with only a draw, and i...
The 2006 World Series Of Poker Erik January 27, 2020 Poker If you're a huge World Series of Poker fan like myself, then you too are probably addicted to the television episodes of the World Series of Poker on ESPN. The WSOP has boomed in the last five years because of ...
Texas Hold ’em Poker: A Popular New Bar Pastime Erik January 25, 2020 Game, Poker "It's all art." That's how 36-year-old Jeff Hubbard summed up the popular poker game, Texas hold 'em. The game has taken over the country's casinos and has now entered the bar scene, he said. "With the ad...
Red Dead Redemption: Pistols, Poker, and Headshots Erik January 23, 2020 Game I ain't no cowboy, but this game lassoed me right in. My inner Grand Theft Auto junkie couldn't help but drop the $59.99 at my local Gamestop once I heard Rockstar had basically promoted RDR as GTA in the Wi...
Poker Room Review Trump Taj Mahal Atlantic City Erik January 20, 2020 Opinion, Poker The original Taj Mahal, one of the seven wonders of the world, is nearly five centuries old, and is a memorial temple to the gods of India. It was built by a prince as a loving tribute to his wife who died in c...