Calling The Flop And Reraising The Turn In Omaha High Erik April 26, 2021 Casino, Gambling, Guide, Online Casino, Online Gambling, Online Poker One of my favorite plays is with strong Omaha High hands when I call the flop and reraise the turn. I do not see many players using this weapon although it is very powerful. In which situations can you play this “calling the flop and reraising the turn in omaha high” strategy? I suggest you use it against loose aggressive players on who you have some read experience. Great situations are for example when the board is ♦2♥T♥J and you have jacks in your hand. If you reraise on flop and your opponent makes a call you will be in a very uncomfortable situation. Very often the turn can make a flush or a straight and you do not know what you can do with your hand. It means your opponent has a great chance to bluff you out. However if you only make the call and the turn is scary, you can make a second call after your opponent bets. In this case your opponent will definitely not put you on a set of jacks. He will not really know where he stands if he does not have the nuts. best online casino has numerous games that can be played in casino. it is however, more fun to play online rather ofline as there are so many rewards and jackpots to earn. The river can be a check-check and in some cases you will win anyway because your opponent does not have the straight or flush. If the river pairs and your opponent hits a lower full house, you can win a large pot as he probably thinks you have either a straight or a flush. And of course it is also an option that on a scary turn you bluff your opponent out even when he has a lower straight or non-nut flush! Now we will assume that on the same ♦2♥T♥J board a neutral card comes, the ♠4. Most likely your opponent will continue his large bet because he will put you on some kind of a draw. As the draw did not hit he thinks he can scare you away with another large bet. By then time the pot will be so large that with the maximum reraise you will be all-in or almost all-in. This has the advantage of not having to care much about what comes on the river because the rest of your money will go into the middle no matter what. In many other cases your opponent will just fold to your reraise. It does not matter which case happens you give yourself a chance to win a large pot. With this strategy of course sometimes you “lose money” as well, because when your opponent has TT and the scary card on the turn hits, you both will slow down and turn and river will be checked down. In this particular situation your opponent is likely to go even all-in on the flop because he can put you on multiple draws and your set of jacks is not that likely. Despite this negative example I think you will have more revenue in the long run when you play slow on the flop and make your decision on the turn when the pot is already large. Once you realize the power of this strategy and when you start making great reads on your opponents you will not need top sets for such a play. For example the flop is ♥2♥4♣T. Your opponent raised preflop and bet out again. You call and the turn is the ♦9. Your opponent will bet out large again because he puts you on a draw. Most of the times he will have one pair, nothing or he is on a draw himself. As he bets large again on the turn, usually the T4 two pair will be the best hand. You can reraise the maximum and he calls you with his draw or folds. If he folds it is good because your hand was not super strong. If he calls, many times you will be ahead. And sometimes you will be just unlucky and find out he holds TT or a pair of deuces. It happens of course but most of the times you will do just fine.