Follow This Strategy: Don’t Pay Off Tight Players Easily Erik May 28, 2022 Poker Poker has gained immense popularity worldwide for a wide variety of reasons. Online poker has changed the face of the gambling industry, and with each passing day, new fans are being added to the already vast base. The thing that makes it a more exciting game is its gambling side. People who win at the game the most often play the least. You will often come across many who don’t think poker is gambling. But wagering money in it is nothing more than gambling. To win poker, you have to strategize and follow many things. You might have heard people saying ‘tight is right’ when it comes to playing. If you are not that much associated with the world of poker or have a membership of online websites like Asianbookie, you may be unaware of the term. So, what is tight poker play? It is an approach in which the player doesn’t make a lot of moves but instead uses only a few hands. You might have seen people playing overly tight poker with discipline in the hopes of getting paid off. When disciplined and professional players decide to go with tight playing, you might want to back out. They still find a way to get the action more often than not. Avoiding setup situations One of the easiest ways you can avoid setup situations by an overly tight player is not giving them any chance of action. How, you might wonder? Imagine a player with 10,000 stack raises only 500 from the second level’s second position and appears to be playing tightly. He has only played a single-pocket king’s (K-K) hand. Every player at the table then folds to you. With your range between A-A and K-K, you must call. The move is not because you are afraid or scared of your opponent, but because you have pot in position in your mind and make a move against the opponent who will ultimately turn his hands and face up on the flop. The flop turns out to be KS-7D-4C. Now, the opponent bets 600, and you call. If you do not have an A-K or better cards, you must fold when your opponent places a bet again. Next, you should bet unless you are sure that your opponent is capable of calling/checking solid hands such as A-A or A-K. Try to get your rival off marginal hands like 9-9 and Q-Q. The thing mentioned above should be your default line when confronting weak, straightforward, and tight opponents. If you perceive that your opponent will bet in most turns, or you might think that he would never fold Q-Q on a K-X-X board, try either to flop the strong hand or get out of the way. The strategy might seem easy, but some players raise the tight player with Kd-Qd or flop-top pair hand when the opponent fires three bets of significant size. As stacks start to get shallow, look for folding on the beginning raises of the tight player. Let’s suppose you own As-9s with big blinds. If a player raises 2.2 big blinds, you possess a fast-fold even when As-9s is an easy shove against many rivals. It is also vital to give some thinking to your opponent’s range and how you would hand on being called. You must have a strong hand push when you know that your opponent’s opening range is the same as he plans on calling you. What does everything mentioned above imply? The above-said things imply that you should avoid giving action to a tight player when your odds are low. If you have pinpointed your opponent’s range and realize that it can crush your strong hand , it is wise to fold. Always compare your hands to your opponent’s range and not with your range. You can make excellent folds as long as you are aware of the tightness of your rival’s range. It can help you save many chips in the long run. You must ensure that you don’t take a loose player for a tight one. You can visit their website and get more helpful information about the Asianbookie .